As a representative of the private equity and venture capital industry in Germany, the German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVK) emphasizes on the economic relevance of private equity and venture capital to policymakers and the media. Through ongoing market analyses and the promotion of knowledge exchange, the BVK actively contributes to the networking and strengthening of the private equity and venture capital sector in Germany. A longstanding relationship has existed with the BVK for years, including a formerboard representation.

With great pleasure, REIA supports the charitable modern art project 'salondergegenwart' by Margarita and Christian Holle. They have established an impressive non-profit art event, showcasing both emerging and established artists.

Thomas Weinmann is a member of the Assembly of Honourable Merchants of Hamburg e.V. (VEEK). With approximately 1,200 individual members, VEEK is the largest and with over 500 years of history one of the oldest social value-oriented associations in Germany. A membership requires adherence to VEEK's guiding principles, rooted in the pillars of responsibility as a human being, entrepreneur and manager as well as a member of society. Personal members include merchants, businesswomen, and businessmen from the Hamburg region.